Sold [H] Custom Gen 3, 4, & 5 RNG's and NA/PAL Redemptions [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/SereneBlade01, 2/6/17.

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  1. /u/SereneBlade01

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    Hello all, I have recently learned how to RNG and I'm now offering to RNG in exchange for USD. However, I will not be doing legends or once per playthrough Pokemon as those have already been claimed on the saves I am using and I'm not wanting to replay through the games again.

    Keep these in mind when asking for an RNG'd Pokemon:

    • For Gen 3, I cannot do custom IVs because of the lack of good IV spreads in Emerald. However, I can do shinies.
    • For Gen 4, if you are wanting a shiny wild caught Pokemon with good IVs, I can only do Modest HP Grass on HG.
    • For Gen 5, wild caught Pokemon with good IVs and shiny is possible, but more tedious to do due to longer search times for a seed.

    I am also offering to redeem events using my NA and PAL consoles. I can soft-reset for natures only, and I can do language + nature soft-resets. I can do redeem proof as requested.

    For rates, I am new here so these are just estimates, feel free to negotiate :)

    RNGs: $2 per RNG

    Redeems: $1 any language with any nature, $2 specific language+nature

    OTs and IDs

    White 1​
    # #/SereneBlade01
    # .
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