[svirtual] Hi. Can RNG Gen 4, have some left overs from my emu run. The Following are still available to be custom (give nature I will tell you best spread): prces or best offers OT: Droid ID: 11010 Articuno - $5 Moltres -$5 OT: Jay ID: 35241 Articuno - $5 Ho-Oh - $8 Moltres - $5 Rayquaza - $8 OT: John ID: 59068 Articuno- $5 Zapdos- $8 Moltres- $5 Groudon - $8 Rayquaza- $8 Suicune - $8 Lugia- $8 Ho-Oh - $8 I can do custom OT (+SID RNG) playthough of HGSS and the following are available per play-though. Cheaper if you do the playthrough Custom Articuno Zapdos Moltres Groudon (ss)/ Kyogre (hg) Rayquaza Suicune Lugia Ho-Oh Mewtwo 1 from Giritina/Palkia/Dialga (Michina event inj) As the drakes are avaible earlier im willing to do sets of these. Each can have its own custom OT as it will be going through a new save Sinnjo Drake HGSS deal - $22 Giritina (5iv shiny) Palkia(5iv shiny) Dialga (5iv shiny) if you get a bunch we can # playerup.com/r/#/comments/5ex0hs/ubeardandfeared_ref_thread/ # #/beardandfeared # .