Sold [H] Black Ops 4, Games on demand, PayPal, Soulcalibur VI, Life is Strange 2 Complete,...

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Black Ops 4 BO4 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/celeryman727, 10/20/18.

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  1. /u/celeryman727

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    My Steam Profile:
    My Rep:


    Prices I Offer in PayPal for Some Common Games

    Humble Gift Links: A list can be found here of some common games I am looking for, but feel free to offer ANYTHING from past humble bundles or monthlies, as well as fanatical bundles. Do not assume I don't want something. I will trade small games for small games or bigger games for bigger games. Just ask.
    Steam Gifts: Any giftable / tradeable steam inventory gifts may interest me.
    Game Keys: I am usually only interested in humble gift links but Steam, Origin, etc. keys are fine too, so feel free to offer them. I may refuse valuable game keys from users with no rep.


    Games: I have hundeds of games, software and dlcs listed below. The games are listed in a table which can be organized by game title, tier and genre. The tiers are there to separate the games into different groups based on desirability. This does generally reflect value, but not always, and I even value some games higher than others if they are in a lower tier. DLCs, Softwares and Lowest Tier are listed at the bottom. Junk games can be added as filler to trades.
    Games on Demand: I can purchase games from Steam, the Humble Store or any other storefront in order to trade. Please note I have to value them at their current price on whichever storefront I purchased them from.
    PayPal: I can offer paypal to buy your games. I am in the United States so when sending PayPal to other countries, fees must be accounted for. For larger trades I usually have no issue covering them, but for smaller ones, it may play a factor.
    Gift Cards: I can offer giftcards to Steam, PSN, eShop, Amazon or anywhere else as well, in lieu of PayPal. CSGO / PUBG Keys: If I have any keys in my inventory, they're up for grabs. You can check here.

    Games I Have to Offer

    Tiers Explanation:

    Top: These are higher priced non-bundled games and a couple of the highest valuable past monthly headliners.
    High: These are more moderately priced non-bundled games and desirable / valuable bundle games.
    Mid: Valuable bundle games and a couple non bundle games that are a bit less sought after than high tier games.
    Low: Bundle games that are sought after but lower in value due to being flooded / rebundled.
    Lowest: Cheap bundle games that can be used as filler or traded for other cheap games. List can be found here.

    Links to Game Lists. Due to the size of the list, the reddit page link may crash you on mobile. It is sortable by name, genre and tier. I also have a google docs sheet that can be safely viewed on mobile. It is in order by tier and then alphabetical, but cannot be sorted.

    Reddit Page (Please only reply on this post, do not reply to the post in this link, it is only to display information.)

    Google Sheets Link

    # #/celeryman727
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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