Sold [H]Bayonet Tiger Tooth FN fv 0.006,Huntsman Knife Marble Fade FN fv 0.02 Blue Tip,...

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/vimars1, 10/27/18.

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  1. /u/vimars1

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    I have no delay

    Bayonet Tiger Tooth FN
    Float Value: 0.006
    B/O 95 keys (more in items)

    Huntsman Knife Marble Fade FN
    Blue tip
    Float Value: 0.02
    B/O 82 keys (more in items)

    Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla FT
    Float Value: 0.22
    B/O 64 keys (more in items)

    Hydra Gloves Mangrove FT
    Float Value: 0.21
    B/O 55 keys (more in items)

    I'm interested in the trade pure Keys and skins. Not interested esport, hydra and vanilla keys.
    - if the skins are not in your inventory look for them on steam market
    - Guys I don't answer your messages. write in the steam on the main wall...


    # #/vimars1
    . .
    #1 /u/vimars1, 10/27/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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