Sold [H] Shop (NA) 50% Off Black Ops 4 [W] 70% PayPal/BTC/TF2 Keys/CSGO Keys

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Black Ops 4 BO4 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/DemonZkey, 4/3/19.

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  1. /u/DemonZkey

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    My SteamGameSwap flair

    I have $200 Bnet balance. For games like Destiny 2 and Black Ops 4, we need to be friends for 3 days. Games like WoW or Diablo I can sent directly to your email so we didn't need to wait for 3 days. For OW boxes or HS card packs you can PM me to ask the prices. I'm not sure about gifting restrictions in Bnet, so I'll sell only to NA Account.

    For PayPal, I am only accepting if you have Verified account and pay with Friends & Family. I live in Indonesia so I think there will be $4.99 fee. For transaction below $49.99, we can split that fees (you can deduct $2.50 from total amount that you need to pay). For transaction $50++ I will cover fees (you can deduct $5 from total amount that you need to pay).It will be better if you have some rep.

    This price is based on current prices (Price before fees)

    Games Price in PayPal/BTC Price in TF2 Keys Price in CSGO Keys Wait for 3 Days?
    Call of Duty Black Ops 4
    Standard Edition $21 14 11 Yes
    Deluxe Edition $49 32 25 Yes
    Digital Deluxe Enhanced Edition $72.8 48 38 Yes
    Black Ops 4 Pass $35 23 18 Yes
    - - - - -
    Destiny 2: Forsaken
    Standard Edition $28 18 14 Yes
    Forsaken+Annual Pass Bundle $49 32 25 Yes
    Digital Deluxe Edition $56 37 29 Yes
    Annual Pass $24.5 16 13 Yes
    - - - - -
    Warcraft 3: Reforged
    Standard Edition $21 14 11 Yes
    Spoils of War Edition $28 18 14 Yes
    - - - - -
    WoW: Battle for Azeroth
    Standard Edition $35 23 18 No (via email)
    Digital Deluxe Edition $49 32 25 No (via email)
    Standard Complete Collection $42 28 22 Yes
    Digital Deluxe Complete Collection $56 37 29 Yes
    - - - - -
    Standard Edition $14 9 7 No (via email)
    Legendary Edition $28 18 14 Yes
    - - - -
    Diablo 3
    Diablo 3 $14 9 7 No (via email)
    Reaper of Souls $14 9 7 No (via email)
    RoS Digital Deluxe Edition $28 18 14 No (via email)
    Battle Chest $21 14 11 No (via email)
    Rise of the Necromancer $10.5 7 5 No (via email)

    I am using Bitstamp rate (you can check it in preev), need to wait for at least 1 confirmation in btc network. If you wanna pay with TF2 Keys, make sure it won't be trade hold (Steam Mobile Authenticator active for at least 7 days). And if you buy keys from Steam Market, you will need to wait 7 days before you can trade it. For CSGO Keys, I won't accept Hydra/Capsule/Vanilla/eSports and Revolver keys.

    Comment here before add me/PM me

    # #/DemonZkey
    # .
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