Sold [H] Apex Legends level 100+ account Wraith Heirloom Kunai pack, all legends unlocked, all...

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Boost - Buy Apex Boosting & Cary Services' started by /u/mark_field, 4/18/19.

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  1. /u/mark_field

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    MY OWN Wraith heirloom kunai package, a 1/500 chance of dropping, in addition, it comes with Mirage legendary skin and Pathfinder legendary Twitch skin plus 3 epic skins for legends and 6 epic skins for weapons, lots of rare ones.

    All legends unlocked, on most of them over 100 kills and victory badges, Wraith and Lifeline have nice, more rare badges.

    Account is level 100+, it has 27000 legend tokens and 695 crafting materials.

    All Apex Legends achievements on Origin are completed.

    Account is on its own gmail account that goes has only Origin, you will have FULL access to the gmail, you will put your phone in yourself, or it can be transferred on mail you provide.

    PRICE $130 without the fees

    # #/mark_field
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