Sold [H] Amazon, BTC, Circle Pay, Google Wallet, Ethereum, Paypal, Skrill, Steam, Square Cash,...

Discussion in 'Amazon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/seeldoger47, 7/2/17.

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  1. /u/seeldoger47

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    Want ↓ Cash1 ↓ Bitcoin/ethereum2 ↓
    Apple (not iTunes)* 70% 65% 50% 50% 50% 50% 70% 70% 50% 50% 50% 50% 60% 55% 50% 50%
    Arrow Films 65% 60%
    Barnes & Noble 50% 50%
    Best Buy 80% 75%
    B&H Photo* 75% 70%
    Dell* 70% 65%
    eBay 80% 75%
    GameStop 70% 65%
    Gyft 80% 75%
    Half Price Books 50% 50%
    Hulu 70% 65%
    Target 80% 75%
    MacMall* 70% 65%
    Newegg 70% 65%
    Verizon 70% 65%
    Walmart 75% 70%
    Zavvi 75% 70%

    $40 Steam (4 x $20)

    Want ↓ ↓ Per $20 Steam $25
    Best Buy $25
    BTC NA
    Circle Pay, Google Wallet, or Venmo 90%
    PayPal or SquareCash 92%
    eBay $25
    Gyft $25

    1 When paying via PayPal, I can only send payments via Goods and Services, thus you will be charged a fee. If you'd rather not face this fee there are plenty of alternatives.
    2 I use Coinbase to send BTC/Ethereum, which charges a fee conversion/network fee. I will buy the percentage listed in USD and send it to you, from which Coinbase will deduct said fees. If you are using Coinbase, you won't be charged a network fee. I can also send payments via Gemini; their fees are smaller (about 0.25%), but require a me to send at least $40 in BTC.
    * Larger denominated gift cards preferred.

    I will buy gift cards in almost any denomination, although if you are offering an item worth $100 or more we will need mod approval. I will not trade Bitcoin for cash, or do any other cash for cash trade, as that would violate rule 6, and I don't sell Amazon for money. Any fees are built into the price. Here is my GCX Rep Profile Page. Comment before you PM.

    Important: before you send your codes please make sure your account is secure (if your password is twelve characters or less it's best to assume your account has already been compromised; your password should be eight randomly selected words, see 1 and 2). Scams were compromised accounts are used to leverage reputation to scam an unsuspecting user, used to steal codes during the middle of the trade, and steal unused gift cards the victim was saving for later are increasingly commonplace. If you have any concerns as to your account's security, please reset your password now and force logout of all sessions. Thanks

    # #/seeldoger47
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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