Sold [H] All PoGo - Shiny Mew, other Research and GBL shiny legendaries [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/prof1reddit0r, 1/15/24.

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  1. /u/prof1reddit0r

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    Hey, everybody!


    Here's what I'm selling now:

    Shiny lvl 15 Mew in a Pokeball, still in GO available for Custom OT, OT; Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, - $64 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Azelf in a Pokeball, in Home OT: KingIsBack, ID: 285199, - $32 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Tapu Bulu in an Ultra Ball, in Home, OT: Hope, ID:655705 - $26 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Tapu Lele in an Ultra Ball, in Home, OT: Squeak, ID:414613 - $26 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Therian Thundurus in an Ultra Ball, still in GO, available for Custom OT, OT: Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, - $22 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Virizion in a Pokeballl, still in GO, available for Custom OT, OT: Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, - $26 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 15 Rayquaza in an Ultra Ball, still in GO available for Custom OT, OT; Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, - $26 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 20 Guzzlord in an Ultra Ball, still in Go, available for Custom OT, OT: Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, - $26 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 15 Research Registeel, in a Pokeball, still in Go, available for Custom OT, OT: Ordaz / your choice, ID: 964348, traded for it with a user on Facebook. Messenger - $16 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 15 Moltres, in Home, in a Great Ball, OT: Squeak, ID: 380143, traded with user u/thelegendofzeldy via Reddit Chat - $16 (fees included)

    Shiny lvl 15 PoGo Stamped Spiritomb, in a Pokeball, in Home, OT: Ordaz, ID: 700678, traded for it on Discord - $22 (fees included)

    If you need any additional info for any of the Pokemon in the post, let me know!

    Make sure you also check my reference page, in order to see my previous activity:

    # #/prof1reddit0r
    . .
    #1 /u/prof1reddit0r, 1/15/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/3/24
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