Sold [H] ALAMOS Darkrai, PC Lucario, Saori's Machamp and More! [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Centaurion, 2/28/17.

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  1. /u/Centaurion

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    For Sale:

    I'm selling these for best offers:

    ALAMOS Darkrai
    X-Speed Zigzagoon
    MAY2012 Darkrai
    Saori’s Machamp (Info)
    VGC Machamp (Info)
    Serena's Fennekin (KOR) (Info)
    PC Lucario
    GAME Magmar/Electabuzz Pair
    31/24/31/25/31/29 Relaxed Bank Celebi
    31/10/31/31/31/31 Naive Bank Celebi
    31/31/31/18/30/29 Relaxed Bank Celebi
    GF Genesect
    GF Arceus (Info)
    Alexander Hoopa (Info)

    I'm selling the below for fixed prices:

    $7 + fees​
    XY Torchic
    $4 + fees​
    Spooky Pumpkaboo
    $2 + fees​
    Bank Celebi​

    I am open to doing discounts for bulk purchases!


    # #/Centaurion
    # .
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