Sold [H] 2018 NA International Championships Krookodile Reservations [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/emeraldellie, 6/30/18.

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  1. /u/emeraldellie

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    [svirtual] Reference:

    If you replied to my last thread I have you on my list already so no need to reply again!

    Hello, this year I will be attending the NAIC as a VGC player and will be offering reservations to those who are interested in the upcoming event. I use JKSM to manage saves for those who like unredeemed events. If you are sending a save I need that by Monday July 2nd at the absolute latest via email, please message me and I will tell you what email to send it to. All saves will be deleted as soon as you have confirmed you received your save with the event(s).

    Prices will be $15 per Krookodile if you want to send me your save file, $20 if I have to play through to the PC and SR a nature for you if it's not locked, with any fees being covered on your end. If you are interested in multiples, we can negotiate a deal. I will send video or picture proof of all events, along with picture proof of my badges. Please tell me in your comment which you would prefer.

    Everything will be send out Monday July 9th after I get back from Columbus.

    # #/emeraldellie
    # .
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