Sold [H] 1 x Lost Ark platinum founders pack code ( steam ) [W] 200

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by /u/Careless_Classic_756, 3/28/22.

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  1. /u/Careless_Classic_756

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    So i originally purchased 7 founder pack platinum codes ( my wife wouldn't let me buy more, lol ) with a view to using 1, and selling the rest. I've posted a couple places regarding selling, have managed to not be scammed ( yay ) and sold 5 thus far, that leaves me with 1 left. What i have now, that i didn't before is some evidence of selling them, please ask for this proof on disc.

    Some FAQ's as I've been added by many people,

    "can i see evidence of the purchase from amazon" Yes you can, but I'm not putting that here for the public to see.

    What are my payment methods? Cashapp, Crypto, Skrill, Paysend or Revolut. I don't use PayPal, however as you'll see from one of the screenshots, a guy who only had access to PayPal suggested overpaying via steam wallet codes, i don't mind this method, but as i can only "cash out" 75% of steam wallet back to cash, the price would then have to reflect that.

    is the price #? - No, its fixed at $200, they cost me $100, im making 100 per key, x 6 is a healthy profit of $600, could i potentially charge more? Probably, but ill sell the last key for the same as the first, 200, not interested in a penny lower.

    Will i use a middleman from X, Answer is No, While I'm not AGAINST using a middleman, their is no way to verify a steam code prior to actually using it, so a middleman cannot really help in the transaction it just opens the doors to me being scammed, by the buyer suggesting to the middleman the code had already been redeemed, or other such shenanigan's, its just something i wont entertain.

    If you got this far, and are still interested, the best place to reach me is on discord - Mig#3952

    # #/Careless_Classic_756
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