updated old thread. Account: GW2 account with all game updates up for sale. Account: Guild wars 2 basic game Guild wars 2 HoT Guild wars 2 PoF Deluxe pre purchase Living story 2 and 3 are unlocked. Almost 7k AP PVP level ~80 WvW level ~140 Mastery level ~160 but can be increased very fast (there is auto loot). Magic find ~143% Almost all crafting disciplines are maxed, except cooking and scribe. 7x80 characters 4 bank tabs Material storage 500 2 shared inventory slots Warrior full ascended items and all inventory slots unlocked (5 extra slots) One character has map completed. Excellent instance with all facilities on place can be accessed with [Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"] There is [Level-80 Boost] for your new character, also many Tomes of Knowledge. Permanent gathering tools [Unbound Magic Harvesting Blast][Unbound Magic Logging Pulse][Unbound Magic Mining Beam] Agony resistance for fractals is 147 (can be maxed immediately), you can farm T4 fractals easily. 23 different finishers. 2 outfits. rare items like [Hydra Staff] and Jackal backpack. there are quite many Black lion skins, also 4 full tickets. Absolutely massive amount of many different skins (weapon and armor) is available. Missing just 130 dyes to have them all. There are [9 Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks] so you can unlock something you don't have! To salvage items easily, you can use [Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic] The main part. Account has PVP ascended heavy armor set, so this set can be transformed to legendary. After every pvp season, if you play enough games, you can transform 2 pieces of armor. It takes at least 4 seasons to get it all. I have half of it already done, just missing few small things. Also there is PVP ascended backpack, missing just few games to finish achievement. "Save the Queen", precursor for legendary sword 2nd generation is 95% done. The gifts for legendary sword are in the bank, you just need some exp to buy gifts from HoT maps. So, you just need to raise your masteries!. There are some currency converters, huge amount of materials and different currencies. If you're interested, just pm me. Also I have PoF key, so your account would be safe as it's only me who played it. I haven't mentioned many things, I just don't remember everything. The price is just for all the real cash I have spent on account on gems (updates, upgrades), all progress is free. Account value as today is 11k gold. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1508881046/l86p1jkudbnftrf1ghe9.jpg