Hey, putting feelers out there. Not 100% sure if I want to sell. But yeh. Here's my account.... ranked pretty highly.... I have bifrost on my daredevil and kudzu on my dragonhunter/ranger..... Mesmer is 78 now but will be 80 before i sell it... Full ascended gear for Daredevil ele/mesmer Dragonhunter/gaurd/rev uhhhh if you wanna know more just message me on skype. Frank3nst3in if you know anything about the game you'll know what you want out of an account... I have 100% HoT and OG completion... raids done etc etc etc. Too lazy to type out all my details. just message me if you want a specific screenshot of something. Oh.. and i have the lightsward battlestaff skin on my bifrost... and we all know thats ******. (.001% world drop from airship cargo)