Sold Gw2+HOT, 3x80, multiple outfits

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nachiteus, 2/4/17.

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  1. Nachiteus

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    Hello there, I wish to sell my GW2 account, as I bought HOT but never really played it.
    The account features 3 lvl 80 chars.

    Also, it has some nice skins into it, as the black wings backpack and the mursat wings.
    It has unlocked the karka mini (worth around 2500g)

    It has, at least (i dont ve the game installed atm and cant remember exactly, but AT LEAST) the following outfits:
    Balthazars regalia
    Ceremonial plated
    Mad scientist
    railments of the lich

    Im downloading the game right now to get some pictures, anyway you can check the account with the following API code, at


    So, im open if anyone wants to offer (pics coming tomorrow i hope)
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