Hi, GW1 has 5 lvl 20 chars (ranger, ele, mes, war and sin) with one open char slot, all with some exotic armor. Prophecies, Factions and EotN, plus bonus missions pack. There's some gold and ecto to spend. 44 points unlocked in HoM, so all awards are available for GW2. GW2 has only one lvl 80 warrior, geared in exotic Berserk armor with ascended rings and amulet. Around 2300 achievement points. Account is on European server. I would like to sell both accounts for around 40 Euro's. That is less than what I have spent on them. Offers are also open. As payment method I must insist on Skrill exclusively. Also, all account details and passwords etc, will be sent to you after purchase, so you can change account email to yours. We can use some middleman if you prefer. Looking forward to hearing from you. If any other information is required, please reply to this post. bump bump No paypal? Originally Posted by zsallay No paypal? No paypal, sry. They don't allow payments to my country. - - - Updated - - - bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump