Selling Guyz, i deceided to sell my ipod account with a...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Michael Nadeau-Rousseau, 2/20/13.

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  1. Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    Guyz, i deceided to sell my ipod account with a sin beast team with the amazing AAA beast almost maxed. lvl 165 maybe. im tired of playing with 2 account.. so if you are interested tell me. im not looking for big deal.
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    if someone got continent devourer +, its a auto win. dont forget that a AAA is in the trade!!!
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    account is sin guild and lvl 89
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    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    How bout a bide?
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    he is +?
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    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    No, sorry
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    anything else to add?
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    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    Got bide, Sara reg maxed, Adan reg maxed
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    got any eps?
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    if you can add some eps i can accept the trade
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    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    I'm out of Ep atm. Just got a bunch of cards. Like mld+m and other studd
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    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    well add my ID from my real account 2082086054. i can give you my account with the AAA that ID is :2119067067 if you want to make sure i got the AAA. send me a trade to my first account with Bide, Sara, Adan and your 2 best monster left. affter that, ill give you the data code to transfer the account. ok?
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  14. OP
    Victor Vela

    Victor Vela
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    Nothing personal. But how do I know you won't recover or scam?
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  15. OP
    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau

    Michael Nadeau-Rousseau
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    i wont scam as i said im tired of playing with 2 account. you can trust me. ill add you as a friend to fb then you will have all the info that you want about me. i know that you can hesitated but the only thing you have to know is that it take about 6 days to recover an account when you use data transfer. i will give you the good code. i will keep contact with you to make sure that all worked
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