Sold Guys need help... why my character gone when i...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Inze Punzalan, 10/3/14.

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  1. Inze Punzalan

    Inze Punzalan
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    guys need help... why my character gone when i open it to other device...i'm using ipad now and change it to cellphone :(.. my account still working but i cant find my character :(
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    Gyöngyösi Rebeka Ditta

    Gyöngyösi Rebeka Ditta
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    Is your cell phone an Iphone? Iphone-Ipad servers are separated from android servers. That's why Ios and Android players can't meet in game
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    Inze Punzalan

    Inze Punzalan
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