I am trading a Guild Wars Account with 1 PvP character and 4 PvE characters all set up with good build and weapons for their class. There is still 1 slot left to make an extra or you can delete some of the characters for more. The campaigns are Prophecies and Factions and I also have the Eye of the North expansion and 2 of the characters have heros. Each character is equipped and ready for there use I have: 1 MM(Minion Master for summoning and support) 1 Healer(Ritualist/Monk, Great for healing and can also switch to prot. build) 1 Bunny Thumper(Ranger that can fight melee with pet or ranged) 1 Nuker(still low levled but in the process and has good skills) 1 Contagion Bomber(specificaly for Jade Quarry, PvP) Once again, they are all ready for use and I can help explain how to use each one's skills correctly. I am asking for a trade of ANY other kind of account being Guildwars or any other kind of game. If Guild Wars I would prefer one with at least 2 campaigns and one being Nightfall(preferably Nightfall/Factions or Nightfall/EotN). If you have a good account for any other game let me know or if you want more details about my account reach me here: Impress me. 15$ Paypal for it -.^