Looking to sell my account as its not used at all now, so would rather sell it than just ignore it a moment longer. 30/50 HoM chaos gauntlets on Rit unded Dhuum amongst others a fair few everlasting potions (destroyer, kuunavaang to name a couple) Prophecy's, Factions eotn, nightfall various chars, assassin,rit,war,paragon,dervish all lvl 20 rank 8 zaishen plenty of Ectos,
Just had to check, the account has just over 250 ecto’s. It is linked to gw2 but I’ve not played it since a few months after it came out so a gw2 account comes with this.
I am interested if you are still selling... I just need to think about it some more. I just spent 100 buying all the campaigns and need to decide if its worth it!