Guide - Middleman Low Fee And Cashback Options

Discussion in 'Guides - Commonly Asked Questions' started by Middleman, 5/1/17.

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  1. Middleman

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    What is your cashback options?
    All sellers can request our cashback option prior to receiving payment. The pro to using this option is that sellers will automatically receive 4% cashback instantly on their middleman payment. The con is that your payment sent to you has no chargeback protection. Sellers who have a Gold or Platinum account can request our cashback premium option which provides the same benefit except they'll also receive chargeback protection. If this cashback option interests you, please contact middleman support.

    What is your low fee options?
    The low fee option is one which sellers can request our low fee option prior to delivering the account to the buyer and if the buyer is willing to accept this option. The pro to using this option is that we charge a flat fee only of $12-$20. The con is that your payment sent to you has no chargeback protection + you pay all merchant transaction fees + the transaction will take longer + the buyer can easily cancel the transaction prior to delivery. How it works is that the buyer pays us to show he's serious about completing the transaction. The seller delivers the account to us, we verify and secure the account, we refund the buyers payment, the buyer pays the seller directly, we release the account information to the buyer. If this low fee option interests you, please contact middleman support

    #1 Middleman, 5/1/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/13/18
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