Sold GTA V Xbox One 1,000,000 - The Bogdan Problem (Act 2). With this purchase I will message you my gam

Discussion in 'Grand Theft Auto 5 Money For Sale - Buy & Sell GTAV GTA5 Cash' started by Jonathan Lozada, 9/16/19.

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  1. Jonathan Lozada

    Jonathan Lozada
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    GTA V Xbox One $1,000,000 - The Bogdan Problem (Act 2). With this purchase I will message you my gamertag for Xbox One. You will then tell me yours, and then friend me. I will take you on a mission that takes around 15 minutes max, you will follow me and listen to me whether you have a microphone or not. We will complete the mission and get $1,000,000+. If you do not follow directions and keep dying I will quit and there will be no refunds. This can be purchase as many times as you want. At $1.00 USD per $1,000,000 mission. Any questions, let me know.
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