Sold Growtopia BGLS 100dl for 60

Discussion in 'Growtopia Locks - Buy Sell Trade' started by DL4money, 4/19/22.

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  1. DL4money

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    Cashing out the second time. First time cashed out 2016 and got over 2k. Sold already 50bgls and have 70bgls left to sell.
    Min buy 1Bgl but can do way more too! Discord: TatuGamer#5334 msg me there or in here.
    Payments I take in paypal or skrill. Crypto can be possible too.
    Btw lost like 20bgl trying to sell to "resellers" so be careful out there! I'm 23yo nearly out of the school and going to real work so I dont have any reason to start scam kids and make growtopia even more toxic...
    Damn did you read all of this? Well hit me up and maybe buy bgl or 2? Thx
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