NecroCrypt Bot This is probably the fastest bot out there. You MUST use Blaze Binder for this to work though, as I use packets of the first skill, meaning the 1st skill does not go on cooldown. This bot jumps between rooms, and immediately uses the 1st skill of blaze binder. Since I use a packet, it does not go on cooldown. (I will be experimenting around with this in the future, however, it relies on the monsters being in a specific location, so you must 1 shot them if you want to make a bot like this) Requirement Grimoire Blaze Binder Maybe access to the quest Screenshot prntscr . com/ guihmo Virus Scans virusscan . jotti. org /en-US/ filescanjob/ pxgyr132pa virustotal . com/ #/ file/9e8bb1f0e133e2ce2628fe8d7b6ef5381c77e17f0d9b610416 ad5825bddfa750/detection Downloadable Files [Download and Thanks] (843 Bytes)