Selling Great Infinity edition rift account for sale I...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Great Infinity edition rift account for sale I have a very nice account with a lvl 60 warrior (main) Raid ready for tanking/dps lvl 60 rouge some what fresh expert ready lvl 55 mage lvl 53 cleric all defiant on seastone us server Account is almost through the purple tier of loyalty with an astounding 138k loyalty points , Infinity edition storm legion on this account . Armor smithing , apothecary ,artificer,and survivalist all maxed at 375 on warrior along with all bags and 4 bank slots unlocked 8 roles unlocked all characters lots of decent crafting mats and items through the account along with wardrobes etc warrior is at prestige rank 51 with full merc along with rouge in full merc . any further questions about account add me on skype at Facebook.:sorrowriku or pm me here im looking for about $450 paypal OBO and you pay for middle man also i will not send information first until money has been sent/paid .
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