Selling Great geared wl/ch from vidar

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bestassever, 9/26/18.

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  1. Bestassever

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    BEST WL YOU CAN MAKE (unless you are rich af:D)

    2228 dia 477 ruby 445 mil gold, bunch of +6 +12 +16 jewels 136 daily ticket 34k phirius token 510 charges

    wl,ch,m = 100 lvl, war = 70, rogue = 52 priest =50

    dragon zodiac for %20 player resist and %3 all attribute

    2 housekeeper with hp/def, 4 housekeeper with 80 lvl pot (2 of these can be levelled for magical attack)
    many hero unicorn, pdef-mdef mdmg food on housekeepers and bank and bp

    t13+24 100 lvl hm staff
    +23 +19 rings, +23 neck, +23wing
    hoe set (earring hd)
    t8 +16 99-100 pvp sets and player resist earring, ring (pants+17 chest+18) (all hd)
    99-100 lvl hm sets pve stated also int/crit ring and earring pve stated

    unbuffed values wl/ch:
    207k hp
    183k pdef
    144k mdef
    89k attack
    %35 parry
    32k sta 33k int 5,2k wis

    buffed in sw: 700k hp 380k pdef 370k mdef(without dumpling) 270k attack (before burn) %76 crit on pvp gear
    550k attack in burn with pve gear with a bunch of wis to make sure healers cant resist
    vestin, moony, salo, mersi, wolin cenendrils all 70 lvl

    also a full tank gear (all hd: ring, earring, neck, 1h hammer, talisman, wing) swaps for hoe set, wep and wing, you can get %30 more pdef and mdef and %62 parry with parry potion on it

    has ibw and all the previous skills(didnt miss anyof the skills) +4535 badge of the trial title badge lvl 4

    +200 sta pot +100 rock pot, a bunch of good wedding food

    1.5 billion tp on warlock 432 mil on champ 648 mil on mage

    rt, coe, beth, gro, ibp iss for wl has been taken, craft experience and 100 lvl heal iss is taken

    IS gift has been taken regularly so a lot of what drops from it

    33lvl tailor for tamb 54 cooking 53 wood

    fire pet 65 lvl

    house full chests filled with 7 day bagpack tickets, bp page 6 rented for 180 days

    many tp, house, guild marking rune, angel and phoenix, 21k mirror shard
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