Sold Great camera with great still shots The video is...

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by Antonius Stefan, 8/26/15.

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  1. Antonius Stefan

    Antonius Stefan
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    Great camera with great still shots! The video is amazing as well, my daughter is a dancer and I was really amazed at the quality of video, we have both a camcorder and smartphones we’ve been capturing performances on for years and I was blown away by this quality. The bad news is you can’t record very long, but for dance performances it’s usually fine. The camera is light and small. In the viewfinder/rear screen you can read about any of the settings the camera has to help you decide what setting you need. I did not like using the viewfinder to set up pictures, but that is just preference. I love that this camera is high tech and has amazing capabilities even for a person who is not camera savvy!
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