1.4 million account 220 superstars including hollywood with gear amongst other top tier superstars, rare gears nice plates.
Other superstars with gear are fiend, andrade, volkof, goldberg big kev,earthquake,sb austin, all gears for striker austin,acro sting gear,zbrock, motu big e,trick bret , tech bret, mark henry Gear for trick eddie and sasha but no eddie or sasha. Other superstars. Acro ricochet, hof booker striker hall, nwo mdm, zpaige, breeze , zasuka, mr t. Jimmy uso, bayley,motu hhh. Techs. Black, ciampa,bruno , rezAr, becky
Tricks woken hardy , rock,edge,andre. Farrooq,niki, carmella. Ph’s drew, zaustin, big sexy, luger, beth Showboats, dango,big show,piper,hof brie. Plates: 2 head games, 2 escape artists,cheapshot , blue bomber, boss plate, green to red plate
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