Grand Master Founder Mr 23+ Multiple Prime Access, Rare Event Gear & 2.5K+ Plat

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Next2Nothing, 3/20/18.

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  1. Next2Nothing

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    This Account is 5 years old and I am the original owner. I am not going to provide specific details here since Digital Extremes are tracking account sales and well I really dont want to risk a bann on this one. Feel free to contact me for more specific details.

    This account is probably the absolute top end you will find for sale, exclusive Grand Master Founder items:

    Excalibur Prime
    Skana Prime

    Lato Prime (after the introduction of rivens, lato prime is one of the best weapons ingame and nearly noone owns it, I have a high end riven for it, the weapon melts everything).

    This account got access to designer council forum and ingame chat channel with developers. If you dont know about it, only few community members and grand master founder got access to it where they discuss certain aspects of gamedesign with the developer team and can introduce their own ideas into the game.

    I played most of the old and new events, so I have most of the rare exclusive weapons ingame and many of the baro exclusive weapons, skins and mods, sentinels and so on.

    There are some very rare things on the account like kavat - kubrow genetic crossbreeds (they look rather fun). It was only possible due a bug to get those for couple of days till ot was fixed. Some of the imprints are still not sold and may go for many thousands of plat if you desire. Some of those are fully grown abominations you can show to other players.

    I have bought several prime access packages over the last years, you will be happy to see exclusive stuff like misa prime syndanna, tagris prime armor, extractors prime, prime access exclusive kubrow stuff and much much more.

    Now to the more trivial stuff. As I mentioned before I will not go into details, please ask me directly if you want more specific information.
    This Account got really a lot of focus points - feel free to destribute them yourself
    The Operator is fully equipped.
    The Account got most of the interesting colour pallets
    Many beautiful Tenno Gen Skins
    Most of the deluxe bundle Skins for frames and weapons
    Arcane Helmets and Blueprints of those (yes that stuff that was only availible in closed beta)
    Some Arcane Sets
    Hundreds of regular Weapons, most of the regular Frames and Archwings.
    Most Prime Weapons and Frames (I miss only few recent prime frames due to my inactivity)
    There are dozens of formas build into all that gear.
    The Mod Raiting is ofcourse very high, most of the important mods and prime counterparts are maxed.
    Many very good Riven mods some of them are God Tier and will cost thousands of plat on the market.
    There are many pets on this account, some are very rare, like lotus kubrows or rare skin kavats in good breed combinations (still I prefer the crossbreed abominations)
    Dozens of decorations and Liset Skins

    Regarding platinum - you will find it more then enough, since most beautiful cosmetics you can purchase for plat are already bought.

    If not, just sell one of that rivens for a good price and you will never need to buy plat again. Regarding trading, I can give you few lessons how to make large amounts of platin ingame with the trade chat and what stuff to sell for which price.

    I could continue this list for quite some time, but I guess uv got the idea, with this account you are purchasing almost everything warframe got to offer up to date, with the most valuable exclusive stuff availible only to few hundreds of people worldwide. I invested around 5 years of regular play and wouldnt sell this, if not some real life stuff I encountered.

    Feel free to contact me if you have questions about some specific details regarding the gear, I gladly provide screenshots, if you want to see something specific.

    I would want a middleman service and will only trade if I feel safe.

    You will receive the account name and password + the email adress with login and password for this account after the purchase. I will give you the specific details that DE might want to know if you want to do some changes on the account (another mail or whatever you desire).

    I help you with any kind of questions regarding this account in the future, therefor you can add me on steam after the trade.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me, feel free to ask me for screenshots or any proofs of ownership you may want.

    Thanks for reading, cheers
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  2. OP

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    Small Announcement:

    If you following this offer - I got a lot of replies during last weeks, with people offering more and its pretty much an auction now. The current highest offer is listed. Many people offer more then they can get together and I dont really want to wait longer then couple of weeks at max. If you decided to buy it, I am ready to provide any info that you may want, but would trade within few days. The account itself is ready for trade and as safe as I could get it - the email is changed, you will get the account and the email data, support knows that I am moving to a new location. Still make sure to change your ip and hardware id if you want to use this account on hardware you already logged in with different warframe account. This will keep the account safe for you.
    I will not trade directly, only through playerup, be awared that you probably will need to provide your id or driver licence to the site to verify your identity.
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  3. MikeTheGod187

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    Lets get serious. You account isnt worth 1900dollars. If it was someone would of bought it already. You are making that up so you can get the highest amount of money possible for your account which isn't happening. So lets talk realy money. I will spend alot of money for your account but not 1.9k. Thats insanely overpriced. You and I both know that. Now like I said I've been keeping a eye on your account for the past month or so. Why not sell it for a lower price to someone like me and get money.
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  4. OP

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    I have time dude, not dependend on selling it fast. Highest offer was 1400 so far. If that acc isnt worth the price to you, carry on.
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  5. MikeTheGod187

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    Why not give the account to someone that will appreciate the hardwork and content of the account. I need this account !
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  6. MikeTheGod187

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    is there anyway i can contact you besides here? like discord or steam ?
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  7. Slylike

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    Yo Mike is desperate lol.
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