Selling GoW account for sale on camia #350 2 month old...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shawn Nagle, 1/15/15.

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  1. Shawn Nagle

    Shawn Nagle
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    GoW account for sale on camia #350 2 month old server. This account is basically T4 ready, buy 2 good packs and do the infernos right and you have a t4 ready account. gold 298k Hightoller and gifting Buildings SH21 villa's x 11 level 21 alter lvl 19 with 700 daggers prison lvl 20 with 1500 daggers hall of war lvl 20 with 900 daggers watchtower lvl 21 gymnos lvl 21 marketplace lvl 21 embassy lvl 21 walls 21 academy lvl 20 hospital lvl 21 treasury lvl 4 barracks x2 lvl 21 and lvl 11 RSS buildings one of each at lvl 21 rest are mixed buildings and lvls from lvl 8 to lvl 14 troops 800kish t3 troops Traps 50k t3 Power 67.5mil ViP Prestige lvl 8 hero lvl 50 boosts construction 193% with gear Research 229% with gear training speed 437% crafting 135% silver 220% RSS ore over 5mil x160 food over 6mil x99 wood over 5mil x100 stone over 5mil x117 silver over 2mil x10 Crafting lots and lots of crafting mats. all i have made is mid to high tier research and construction gear Research economics is all done and ready to complete when academy is lvl 21 combat is 6 researches away from t4 wall traps are 3 researches from t4 hero is done just enuff to hit lvl 3 monsters restorative is done just enuff to get lvl 4 training cost reduction of all t3 types strategic combat is 8 researches away form t4 strategic traps are 13 researches away from t4 Can provide pics of everything apon requests Make a serious offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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