Selling  GOTWIC account 290M / 25 relocation scroll

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Baby Pampers, 2/2/22.

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  1. Baby Pampers

    Baby Pampers
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    Strong military cavalry account, mostly free to pay account but with some money invested on commanders.

    at the moment
    cavalry stats are around 800% attack , 620%def 620%health
    total stats -BUFFED- around 355% atk, 370% def, 400% health

    35 M merit
    2,5 M troops right now on the account
    research power : 145 M
    most of the free commanders are gold , some of them awakened (robb is 4 stars)
    Laena waters - gold awakened with 3 stars
    sabrina gold 1 star
    tyrion gold 1 star

    Everything configured for fighting (friendship-refinery-equip-badge and so on) - main formation Cavalry
    This account was perfectly managed, everything is methodical and organised.

    The account is sitting on a small server, (the account is inside the top10 ranking) BUT If you don't like the server, there are already 25 Relocation Scroll, so you can jump really a lot.

    the account comes with 3 HOF account for free.

    If you are interested contact me with private message on this forum. I will send to you screens if you want to check something in detail.
    #1 Baby Pampers, 2/2/22
    Last edited: 2/2/22
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