Got to move these 5 star LS cards! Prices Reduced!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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    Hey guys. My collection is overflowing so I have some cards to get rid of! Paypal only please.

    Prices #.

    All the 4/7 are proper evo and max leveled.

    5 stars

    2x 4/7 Chewbacca HOK sk 10 & sk 11- $95 ea NOW $85 ea

    4x 4/7 Padme SAW - $90 ea NOW $75 ea 2 SOLD/2 LEFT

    1x Lando Evo2 sk10 - $95 NOW $90

    2x Old Luke 4/7 - $90 ea NOW $75 ea

    1x Ackbar 4/7 sk 40 - $95 NOW $80 SOLD

    1x Han 4/7 - $110 SOLD

    1x Ackbar 4/7 sk 35 - $90 SOLD

    1x Old Chewbacca 4/7 - $100 SOLD

    Will reduce prices further if 4* 4/7 toppers &/or 5* bases are included in sale/trade


    1) PM me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No.

    2) I
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