Selling  GOT account Main 70M + farm (gold+grain)+ HOF

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Baby Pampers, 5/10/21.

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  1. Baby Pampers

    Baby Pampers
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    this is what I am selling,

    - main account 70M, 4M merit, everything configured for fighting (friendship-refinery-equip-badge and so on)
    the dungeon is level 22, hall of faces is level 22 it won't take much to finish them and make your way to tier4 troops.
    Laena waters is the only payed commanders, almost Gold (still miss 60 medals for getting it to gold)
    the other are free commanders, some is already to gold, a lot are purple and blue.
    Sabrina is almost Purple. This account was perfectly managed, everything is methodical and organised.

    - Farm account: level 25 castle, everything configured for GOLD+GRAIN. still you need to finish to 25 the mints and the grain camp but you don't take much time to do that. I already raised to gold Soren, all the other commanders which buff gold or grain (Robb,sheila,Feis,Jeane) are gettin raised. All the researches that buff gold or grain production and capacity are almost done. 17Million.

    - HOF account, lvl 17 castle, level lord 4. (the best you can ever have)

    I sell everything for 100 USD which is really nothing
    If you are interested contact me in private.
    #1 Baby Pampers, 5/10/21
    Last edited: 5/11/21
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