Selling  Android and iOS  High End Gos account - top 10 - active american server

Discussion in 'Game of Sultans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AnnaCNav, 1/3/20.

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  1. AnnaCNav

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    My Location:
    Server 217 American
    VIP 6
    Number 1 union
    Top 10 player with over 400 M empire power
    Very active player with a top game strategy.
    40 viziers and 25 consorts.
    All vizier's and consort's clothes.
    Over 31000 of intimacy, basically on Rosa and Osilda.
    Top viziers: Hersek, Mersif, Yavus, Ibrahim.
    Hersek and Mersif maxed out in several traits.
    Good relations on the account.
    Leaving the game due new job.
    Linked to a facebook account (can be both ios and android).
    Only 1000 usd
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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