Selling Google Play Store CARDS/MONEY

Discussion in 'Gift Cards - Buy Sell Trade' started by ZenH3X, 1/1/17.

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  1. ZenH3X

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    Yep, selling google play store cards and I'm also planning to sell other cards such as Amazon ones and iTunes cards.

    I have multiple $10.00 ones, multiple £25.00 and I have multiple £50.00 ones as well but I'm not selling the 50.00 ones yet. I've attached a picture which shows proof.

    I don't mind going first, but is very dependent on reputation and how I feel about the deal because I don't want to be scammed, as for what I want in return - give me an offer? I'm lenient. ;)

    TERMS OF...

    Google Play Store CARDS/MONEY
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