Selling   Good seller- RSS for all kingdoms

Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Boosting for Sale - Buy Sell' started by HienTran, 3/12/20.

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  1. HienTran

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    My Location:

    We do NOT use # for running farms.
    We can provide our transactions between us and our customers for your trust

    Our service is SAFE and QUICK, of course TRUSTFUL too.

    i am providing RSS all kingdoms
    the old kingdoms is 0.15$/1mil RSS
    new kingdoms is 0.20$/1mil rss
    i will provide in a long time with good price

    1. Make sure there have space beside your castle.
    2. Make sure you stay in the same guild longer than 24 hours.
    3. We need slot to join your guild to relocate beside you.
    4. We transfer rss to you.
    The game is too stupid. they restrict almost everything, we had to follow the role. Delivery may take around days because our # accounts have the chance to be detected. please give a bit patience.

    if you want to know more details please contact me

    Whatsapp : +84941350452

    Facebook. : Log into Facebook. | Facebook.

    Discord : ShynTran94
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