Good people, lots of runs. fml till our thumbs bleed. [HASHTAG]#thuglife[/HASHTAG] lol jk got get scanner for my guild mates and second scanner for my dps war.
uploading a $50 dollar itunes card or google play card # video today to my channel. Stay tuned bros! Ray Blackwood - YouTube
Yep I spent around 6k since 2011 on this game but then it's spread over 6 differnt toons I have all classes all epicness
I spent over 1k on my dps war now I don't know the stats on any of my toons.. Anyone know of a active good guild on iOS AF LiLKRoNNoS is my dps and BoRRiZ is my tank
If you guys want to spend more on the game my video is now up to win the itunes card. and Jeffrey Dempsey there are some really good guilds on AF. Seems people play 24/7 on that server.
Ray Blackwood I got nice mili setup finnished earlier 4/6 s3 and 2 set fml this just me monks dps is 3k+ attack power