Selling  Android Good account

Discussion in 'Curse of Aros Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by X.borg, 8/13/20.

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  1. X.borg

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    Hello people my journey in this game has come to an end for me but for some of you it's the beginning of something big , so I'm here to announce that my account is for selling

    Account lvl 90

    Full golem Set / Golem Axe / Varax Shield / Amulet of Focus / Ring of might .

    Lvl 71 Mining / Lvl 70 Smithing

    Lvl 71 Woodcutting / 70 Crafting

    LVL 52 Fishing

    Rare pets : The Easter Bunny / Rocky / Woody .

    Normal pets : Rock fiend / Slime / Luminant Slime / Raptor /Bat /Forest Fiend

    Plus 70m gold

    For more details Dm me at discord :

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