Sold [GOLD SELLER] 80M POWER 16VIP 43 legendary[14 Expert] 25M T5 Troops

Discussion in 'Rise of Kingdoms Lost Crusade Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pink Rabbit, 1/4/22.

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  1. Pink Rabbit

    Pink Rabbit
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    You are looking for a good account and reasonable price, you will have a secure account and professional service when come with me.

    Before buying, please contact me via LINE app , Ask me account is SOLD or NOT before you buying.
    Information about the account is fully listed in the attached image. If you need any further information, please message me on LINE for the fastest response.

    ➦ About me:

    ✿ I'm GOLD Seller on Playerup.
    ✿ Success rate over 100 orders.
    ✿ 90% satisfaction from customers.
    ✿ You don't have to think about my safety and professionalism.
    ✿ Come to me you can only be 100% satisfied and satisfied.


    All transactions made with option are through Playerup first and buyer must pay 100% MM fee
    @-Note: The price does not include MM fee

    all platform Account : 80m
    Vip : 16
    #: 22
    Gold head: 322
    Kingdom: 1937
    Civilization: France
    Fb: linked only
    Legendary(14 maxed):
    YSG 60lvl (5555+)
    Cao Cao 60lvl (5555+)
    Richard 60lvl (5555+)
    Charles 60lvl (5555+)
    El Cid 60lvl (5555+)
    Alex 60lvl (5555+)
    Aetheflaed 60lvl (5555+)
    Theodora 60lvl (5555+)
    Guan Yu 60lvl (5555+)
    Leonidas 60lvl (5555+)
    Cheok Jun gyeong 60lvl (5555+)
    Cleoptra 40 lvl (5555+)
    Seondeok 40 lvl (5555+)
    Ishida 40 lvl (5555+)
    Const 60 lvl (5511)
    Julius 60 lvl (5535)
    Minamoto 60 lvl (5533)
    Saladin 60 lvl (3111)
    Nebuchadnezzar 60 lvl (5542)
    Frederick 40 lvl (5553)
    and more (Mehmed(5552), Mulan(5522), Artemisia(13), William(11), Attila(1), Takeda(4), Ramessses, Lu bu (1), Genghis, Gilgamesh, Hannibal, Wu Zetian, Charlemagne, Tomyris, Edward, Yi Sun Sin, Harald, Zenobia, Cyrus, Trajan, Xiang, Ragnar)
    Epic(17 expert)
    #1 Pink Rabbit, 1/4/22
    Last edited: 1/4/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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