Sold GoFundme clone

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Philip Oyedoyin, 10/13/20.

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  1. Philip Oyedoyin

    Philip Oyedoyin
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    Hello house, i'm selling a GoFundme clone website for only $30.

    Gofundme is the most popular croudfunding platform on the internet processing billions in dollar on a monthly basis, how would you like to have a share of that dough? Sounds interesting right?.

    We specialises in creating and distributing a similar website that integrates with gofundme, i.e it works and displays data that is exactly like gofundme's but you will be in possession of your website and every transaction that is carried out on your site is yours. (You will set a chargeable percentage).


    .You have a full ownership and control of a very popular market.

    .All your clients are yours forever, you can't lose a client.

    .Access to both local and foreign donors.

    .Multiple stream of income, multiple payment gateway.

    .On average, our customers earn $5000 monthly from commission.

    And, it is super cheap. Only a monthly payment of $30 or $40 to $75 for extra value.

    To order yours, use this link:
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