i have 284 skin +91 voice pack Agni: vlicanic \swagni \curse agni \gemni \trimuph & agni +voice pack Ah mazen can:Sting F \ dark whisper \ killer bee \swarm sentry \Solied hornet LIMTED +voice pack Ah Puch : death mask F \Chilling grasp +voice pack Amaterasu: cerulean sky F \ \shining heaven \ foxy Exclusive +voice pack Anhur : jungle king F \olympian \Sand warden \Fantic \ shadow +voice pack Anubis : night walker F \ gravhound \stargazer\after life\ adjudicator \ Demonc LIMTED \ Legndary skin F +voice pack AO Kuang :Tempest F \ Dragon king +voice pack Aphrodite : majstrix F\ Afro-Dite \ beach babe +voice pack Apollo : slick shot F \Curse voice\ Vicious LIMTED +voice pack Arachne : toxic caress F \ Black Widow +voice pack Ares : Destroyer F\ Diamond sowrd \Fernando \ Legndary skin F \ Diamond Skin +voice pack Artemis: \Wrangler \Recon \Stalker \Primal Hunterss\ oak-seer +voice pack Artio : NONE +voice pack Athena : High counsler F\ Red star \ librte +voice pack Awilix : Blood moon F\ Renegade +voice pack Bacchus : Regal Reveler F\ The King \ Hoot'n holler +voice pack Bakasura : Butcher F\ Death machine \ Ravenous +voice pack Bastet : Dominatrix F\ covert ops \kawaii pop\ crimos ops +voice pack Bellona : Battle madin F \ Furiona \ spl 2016 \Agony +voice pack Cabraken : Rampage F\ Gamma slam \ nerd rage +voice pack Camazotz : Penubra F\ Terror-Dactyl +voice pack Cernunnos : Samhain F +voice pack Chaac : Hailstorm F \sloughter house \ Boom chaac-a-laka +voice pack chang'e: bright moon F\ hunter's moon \ moonlight love +voice pack Chiron : sagittarius F\chevalier \ legnedary skin F +voice pack Chronons : Time lord F\ Fallin lord +voice pack Cu Chulainn : None +voice pack Cupid : Lover boy F \ lil'devil \lucky baby fuwa \ bizzy b \ head over heels \ Dr.madlove LIMTED +voice pack Da ji : Vixin F +voice pack Erlang shen : illustrious F +voice pack Fafnir : covetous F \Griffendwarf LIMTED +voice pack Fenrir : Frostfang F\ wreck the halls \ Lord slashington ii +voice pack Freya : northen lights F \ Frost maiden \ Valkyrie \ Pixel Buster +voice pack Ganesha : Ganpati F +voice pack- Geb : molten fury F \ G.E.B.1 +voice pack Guan Yo : Unstoppable blade F \ master guan ** +voice pack hachiman : None +voice pack Hades : Bloode fire F\ classic hades F\ soul taker +voice pack he bo :cascade F \he bro +voice pack Hel : sugar and spice F \ solstice \ jingle hel +voice pack Hercules : lion of olympus F \ Grand slam \ Derpules \ La roca\ hunkules \ Retrocles LIMTED \ Lengedary Skin F+voice pack Hou yi : sunbreaker F \ Searing sun \ Iron Crow LIMTED +voice pack Hun batz : Red demon F \shaolin monk-ey\ space monkey +voice pack Isis : Scarlen coven \ Celestial \ shadow +voice pack Izanami : Dark matron F \ Plague-breaker +voice pack janus : gatekeeper F \keymaster \ JT-6000 LIMTED \ Legnedary skin F\ Diamond skin F +voice pack Jing wi : Rebron F +voice pack Kali : demon slayer F \Skaliwag +voice pack Khepri : Imprator F \Horned Bettle \ star eater \ shadow +voice pack kukulkan : typhoon F \ Scared dargon \ KUKU \ sir pentsworth iv ,esq.\ Void Wyrm LIMTED \Golden F +voice pack Kumbakarna : Rip van kumba F \Pajama party \ kumbhalayan yeti +voice pack Kuzinbo: yokozuna F +voice pack Loki : Ssslither F \ Joki \ Grim mariachi \ white death \ Last lough LIMTED \ Legendary skin F \ diamond skin F +voice pack Medusa : Black gorgon F \ Idusa elite +voice pack Mercury : quickselvir F \ Centurion \ modren massnger \legendary skin F \ diamond skin F +voice pack Ne zha : blue lotus F +voice pack neith : mischevous F \ ms.diagnosis \ buccaneith \ carnaval queen \ instakill +voice pack nemisis : no mercy F \ blind vengeance \ red vengeanace \ slient blade \ Executioner LIMTED \ modren mercenary LIMTED +voice pack Nike : peregrine F +voice pack Nox : crimson Eclpise F +voice pack Nu wa : nice and naughty\ water dance \ aurum \old nu wa \ golden F +voice pack Odin : the huntsman F \ mountain man +voice pack osiris : exalted one F \ lord of silnce \ the re-animated +voice pack posedion : Dreadbeard +voice pack RA : silv-ra-do F \ Solar sentinel \ solard eclipse \ alien ware \ra'merica \ Sunstar LIMTED +voice pack Raijin :nimbus F\ Devil horns \ thunders' roar +voice pack Rama : Valiant one F \ Last comando LIMTED \ Legendary skin F +voice pack Ratatasker : Flurry F \ Armored skurrier +voice pack Ravana : Tyrant F \ Demon king \ Rock from bisraka +voice pack Scylla : Tiny Terror F \ Daisy despair \ Prototype \ Vampric LIMTED +voice pack Serqet : Venom F \ Mademe Blade \ Desert queen +voice pack Skadi : Wintre's Wrath F \ Ski Patrol +voice pack Sobek : HIgh seas \ Death dealer \ Nile stalker +voice pack Sol : super nova F \ Polars \ cosmic +voice pack Suk wukong : silver rage F \ Dark lord \ heavenly warlord \ sun wu xing LIMTED +voice pack Susano : Scarlet storm F +voice pack Sylvanus : Permafrost F\ Dr.Vanus LIMTED \ Lgendary skin F +voice pack Terra : Firma F \ Ingeous \ springgan +voice pack Thanatos : Soul hervster \ jack the reaper \ golden F \ legendary skin F \ diamond skin F +voice pack The morrigan : scarlet sorscerss \ Woodland Rogue LIMTED +voice pack Thor : heavy matel \ Rightous hammer F \ blood eagle \ wrath of valhalla \ barbarian \ shadow \ legendary skin F +voice pack Thoth : none +voice pack Tyr : Dark judngment F \ privatyr \ sockpuppetyr \ hail to the king +voice pack Ullr : Strider F \ the sorvivor \ dragonsbane \ bresker LIMTED \ Lagnedary skin F +voice pack Vamana : Divine Protector F +voice pack Vulcan : irom smith F \ sentry \ Warforged \ Titan +voice pack Xbalanque : Jungle beast F \ Shinoblanaque \ SPL 2015 NA LIMTED \ SPL 2015 EU LIMTED +voice pack Xing tian : indomitable F \ Iron tyrant LIMTED +voice pack Ymir : obsidian shard \ DGI-Mir 9000 \ Nuclear winter \ Baron frost child \ golden F +voice pack Zeus : Storm bringer \ Almighty \ Thunder head F \ Wrath of olympus \ Diamond F +voice pack Zhong kul : King of ghost F \ G.I zhong \ demon catcher +voice pack + 26 ward skin and 82 icons 89 mastery level and godpack and globel emote and stuff some of them are limted .. 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