Sold Godly High End Crafting PVE Accounst, Plus 2nd Account for Dual boxing

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leonchase, 3/6/17.

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  1. Leonchase

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    These Accounts come as a pair so you will effectively be buying 2 account’s on 2 separate service accounts they are not being sold separately.

    Let me give you a brief history These accounts have been played by me since day of release 2011 from 1.0 my blood sweat and tears have gone in to this first account my main. It’s time for me to move on you’re not just buying an account you’re buying a Legend.

    The 2nd account has also only been played by I got annoyed when they added specialist crafting system I’m like NO you will not stop me being an omni crafter.

    These are goodly crafting accounts as well as PVE accounts any questions come back to me at anytime

    I suggest you read the below but here is a link to pictures of the main account

    On a note I’m new here so – 0 Rep to elevate the worry I’m happy to talk with anyone who is worried and show you what you will be buying via skype tour via share screen or you can watsapp me with if you like.

    Skype add: [email protected]

    I dual box craft on this hence the 2nd account. These are really penta melded the right way with V’s only not the casual people saying penta melded with IV’s as you can see from the pictures.

    1st Account details below.

    Account Type: Legacy Account EU
    Server: Ragnarok
    Time remaining: 30 days
    Slots’s taken for new charters 7
    Vet Rewards: Max to date
    Mounts 35 + Legacy Chocboo and Goobbue Mount A12s mount and A4s Mount Twintania
    Main Scenario Quest: All done up to 3.55
    Side quest I think I’ve done pretty much all of them.
    New relic Step Currently have NIN and PLD in the works on the Umbrite stage which the PLD is almost finished NIN is at the start waited for the Umbrite cost reduction
    Gear Set’s Crafting Please check it only V’s get placed in my tool’s and gear.
    Gear Set’s Gathering Same as above Screen shot below all books have been purchased.
    Battle Class: I'm a main tank so PLD is 270 DRK is 270 Nin 270 plus other classes with Alex weapons and gear please check the screens link.
    Books from Savage remaining as stated in the pictures your able to buy a few items and one either chest or weapon with the A12s Books remaining.
    Gil Remaining on Account I will Ensure 200 million if anything sell there maybe more but 200 mil will be the default amount on the account.
    This Account Has 5 FC houses located in Lavender Beds 2 of the FC houses have 4 ships max 1 FC has 3 ships ready to start the next ship the 2 remaining FC are new each having a ship with one ready to start the 2nd ship. Enough parts for the remaining ships with enough Flight Credits also all ship's that are level 50 have the same parts 58/61 please check the picutres.
    This account also has early access to stormblood CE ARR normal HW. It also has PS4 Access for ARR and HW this is stated in the picutres

    As you can see I have loads of rare/unobtainable items that you will never be able to get again if you want more details on items or anything else please let me know also I have a Platinum Bangle.

    3 Retainers Please check Please check the pictures for the items.

    The reason I’m selling is simple I’m very busy with work and I just want to focus more on my real life to be honest and I just don’t have the time like I used to. Plus will be adding a mini me this year so rather than miss the game which I will, the best way to stop is to remove it really I was going to just transfer the fc’s to a fellow FC member and come back but I’ve had time to think and It’s time for me to move on. :’(

    2nd account sub ended last week and I've just gotten of 12 hour shift, so I will add pictures of this account tomorrow when I wake up details below pf the 2nd account
    Battle class 60 pld full I250 set non melded cleard a9s and 10s
    MSQ are 3.4 will check as I just use this account for crafting and gathering really.
    Gathering sets are same as above account penta melded with Fish, Bot and Miner
    Crafting class all 50 and above with 5 at 60 with full i190 penta melded tools same stats as my main, so that'ss carp alc cul bsm and arm have i190 tools to give me 6 of 8 specialist crafts or dual alc and cul for food and pots.

    This account has the bulk of my airship parts and other items as it's very hand to chop and change it between my mains fc's

    I will happily take questions you can add me on skype and happy to provide video tours of the accounts if you require, you can even watsapp questions as I stated above so you can see what you are buying just make me an offer really just nothing stupid as a lot of love and time has gone in to these accounts.

    - I will happily level another class 2 60 for you if you want something other than what I have already leveled.
    - Payment will be by Verified Paypal only and transfer fee’s must be paid by you.
    - These accounts will also be listed on also.

    I'm just looking for a good offer please a lot of time and love have gone in to these account
    Edit Yes I know I about the Accounts in the title >.<
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