Selling  Level 76-100 GOD TIER ACCOUNT - R5 Grakon, R4 Lord Pumpseed Wyrmlad, R2 Shelly, R1 Fampirastral, 18 X Runes

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gamalosion, 11/25/21.

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  1. gamalosion

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    My Location:
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    Discord - NotBeluga#3666

    # I invested 289$+ into this account and countless hours of playing (5+ Years old account)
    # I reached Legendary 2 rank and position 1,600 in the global ranking
    # i have 9 X Runes plus 3 Mutated X runes (all of the details below) (18 X Runes total if unequipped and unmutated)

    330 Elementium, Lots of OP mythics and basically this account can get you to rank one with the monsters in it if you dedicate enough of your time for it
    (i dont have enough time to play and so i quit the game, someone could use this account instead of it just being unused).

    Best Monsters Owned:
    Master Masher Level 130 - 3 Level X Speed & Health Runes (Mutated!)
    Grakon Level 30 - 3 Level X Team Speed Runes (Uriel's Essence Equipped!)
    Kaih the Sunmelter Level 130 - 3 X Stength Runes Equipped
    Madam Fusion Level 110 - 3 Level X Team Speed Runes (Mr. Beast's Banner Level 36)
    Rhinata Level 130 - 1 Level 8 Strength, 2 Level 7 Health
    Fampirastral Level 115 - 1 Level 6 Speed Rune
    Shelly Level 123 (Uriel Essence Equipped!, Wangzhou's Shield)
    Arobat Level 126 - 2 Level 6 Speed Runes
    Tabora Level 110 - Speed Level 7 Rune
    Mr. Beast Level 110
    Level 100:
    The Dreamer Level 100

    Dream Level 100
    Steamwrath Level 100
    Chuckle Muckel Level 100

    Warmaster Elvira Level 100

    Warmaster Ragnarok Level 100

    Rank 4 (Level 120) :
    Korruptus (Forsaken),
    Lord Pumpseed (Halloween Exclusive),
    Wyrmlad (Exclusive) Level 120

    Level 105:
    LazerBeam (Forsaken)

    Level 100:
    Wyrmlad (another one)
    Grakon (another one)
    Cain (Exclusive)


    The Rest (Mythics):

    Noahgnarok Level 132
    TeddieVR Level 126
    Kaguya Level 123
    Cyberiel Level 120
    Kill Drill Level 115
    Armor Claw Level 110
    Atrox Level 110
    Dr. Wattz Level 110
    Level 100 Mythics:
    Rara Avis
    Axol Mech
    Ophiuchus the Zodiac

    I do have lots of legendaries but they're not # (and much weaker than my best ones) and so not worth mentioning

    Nemesis Souls - 109
    Elite Souls - 87
    Era Royalty Duel Ticket - 2
    Maze Collector Activation Ticket - 17
    Gold - 1.38 Billion
    Food - 13.1 Million
    Level - 92
    Gems - 2
    Mythic Amber - 2,315
    Elementium - 330
    Stardust - 235
    Lutum - 280
    Earth Cells - 191
    Dark Cells - 117
    Nature Cells - 109
    Magic Cells - 90
    Water Cells - 87
    Light Cells - 83
    Thunder Cells - 52
    Metal Cells - 50
    Fire Cells - 30

    All Islands unlocked except Ancient Island (costs real money)
    Adventure Map 1340/1380
    Hatchery - 3 Slots
    Ultra Breeding Tree Unlocked
    Monster Vault 45 Slots

    Food, Breeding and Rune Enforcement Guardians all Maxed Out!

    5 Uncraftable Relics (Exclusive), 23 Diamond Relics Total (1-3 Relics max for each type)

    Almost all Legendary Habitats and Mythic Habitats are Level 4 (Highest Level)

    Payments accepted through Bitcoin or PayPal,
    The account will be linked to your facebook/google play account after payment,
    Please contact my discord if you're interested in buying.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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