Selling  High End  All Platforms  1-6 Hours God account 200 - 300 wins over £250 spent on it

Discussion in 'Fortnite Items / Materials / Traps / Weapons - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Jason Shodunke, 6/9/18.

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  1. Jason Shodunke

    Jason Shodunke
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    2 Accounts one is season 2 account tier 70 black knight no other battle pass or skins fresh stats

    2nd account is worth £250 it has 22 skins some that will be og and hard to get these are the skins on account 2 Carbide,dark voyager ,havoc,love ranger,Raven,reaper,valor,battle hawk,bunny brawler,elite agent, funk ops (og),highland warrior,mission specialist, moonwalker, rogue agent,rust lord,sub commander,teknique,trailblazer,zoey,Britt bomber,jump shot,scarlet defender and this account has save the world that cost £35 also has all the best guns is high up in the system and can make great rewards through out save the world logging in daily getting v bucks and doing missions please pm me back accounts will be sold very fast

    The prices I will be doing is £50 for the black knight account
    And £100 for account 2 if are interested in both price will be £130

    Also I have full access so once the purchase has made I will claim a email change through epic games to your main email

    Account also has 200+ wins
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