-Android OS -Transfer Code Available instead of SIF ID -Rank 270 -200+ love gems -54 URs, 6 of which are Limited. -Lots of SRs, SSRs and stickers. -half of the URs are skill level 3+. -A fairly large amount of support members available to raise skill levels. -Almost all limited time Wallpapers and Titles are present. -Some rare SIS like Kanan's Pure Dolphin, Mari's Pure Shining Star, and many others. -Kanan blessed account. *Images are 1 month old, so there could be more than what is shown. Price is Negotioable within reason. Method of Payment is Paypal.
If interested, kindly PM or initiate the purchase before the 15th, kinda in urgent need of the money before then and the price will be back to $100 after that date.
I now accept trading the account for Playstation Network or Nintendo eShop currency cards (US/NA) of the same monetary value listed.