Hello, trying to sell my Global Touhou LW account to recoup some of my investment into it as I am no longer interested in playing it. - Level 141 - Fantasy Rebirth - Reimu(with costume and anima) Marisa. Sanae + Inaba still farming coins. - 100% login rate - Everyone wins campaign still available - Powerful Friends - 30 friends MLB, including Sword Saint Youmu. Many others at 3/4 MLB(with several paper dolls in storage) including Smol Yuyuko(no spare divine dolls unfortunately) - Most Content Cleared - Scarlet Devil Tower cleared. Main story cleared. Hifuu Lost Word mostly untouched. - Story Cards - Many 4* and 5* MLB +10 story cards - Plenty of Upgrade Materials - All Event Costumes - And Maid Flandre Thanks for consideration. See attached images for highlights. Willing to show any other screenshots or answer questions you may have.