Sold [Global] The King of Fighters Allstar account: Ex A7 Kyo, A3 Angel, A4 Bison, A3 Akuma, A3 BS Leona

Discussion in 'The King of Fighters All Star Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daimos, 6/14/22.

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  1. Daimos

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    Selling an account in the game The King of Fighters Allstar/KOF Allstar/KOFAS
    Global, 195 rank

    EX А7 Kyo - 264k cp

    EX А3 Akuma - 107k cp

    EX A6 Bison - 101к cp

    EX A3 Angel - 78k cp

    EX A1 Chun-li - 44к cp

    EX A3 BS Leona - 37к cp

    EX A1 SS Iori - 40к cp

    EX A1 SS Chizuru - 28к cp

    A3 Chun-li (fes) - 74k cp

    All characters with cards: combat, options and sets. There is a full set of Ex Kyo and a full set of Ex Angel cards from banners. There are also ordinary fes sets, and since recent events. A lot of imprint stones

    Binding is only mail, I give it naturally with it. Bind the rest at your discretion.

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    #1 Daimos, 6/14/22
    Last edited: 6/14/22
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