Selling my 2nd unlink account while I concentrate on my main account. Here's the details: Selling for $150 OBO Account Name: ShinJei Level 51 Notable units: *6 - Bartz, Exdeath *5 - Chizuru, Warrior of Light, Kefka, Lenna, Amarant, Rosa, Rydia, Celes, Locke, Tilith, Freya, Xiao, Kain, Firion, Black Cat Lid, Ludmille, Fina *4 - Exdeath, Cecil, Bartz, Locke, Warrior of Light, Charlotte, Alma, Gafgarion, 3xRefia, Rosa, Rain, Lasswell *3 - Terra, Garland, Exdeath, Medius, Gilbert, Mustadio, 3xArc, 3xIngus, Alma, 2xAmarant, Freya, 2xCeles, Locke, 2xXiao, Krille, Shantoto Espers: *2 - Siren, Ifrit, Golem 14000 Friend points 2210 Lapis Just reached Aquapolis Olderion and now on to start Mystic Woods. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1481932694/vgtnfw0bz71vyrjm9wbw.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1481932699/rx0wvhigebyrvwttwvam.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1481932700/trkig8nyeycqzselq5tk.jpg