Selling  Global / Rank 127 / 14 Unique Legendaries / 3 Legendary skins / 24k TA / 53 Unique stones

Discussion in 'Soccer Spirits Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ekal, 2/22/20.

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  1. ekal

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    I have been playing ever since Choi came out!! Since college is taking up my time, I want to dedicate more of my time to studying! ^^

    Have tons more 5* players fully upgraded
    I have basically almost all of the 5* players released before around August 2019.

    I will type out everything that I have on this listing later when I get access to a keyboard, so you can Crtl + F

    Photo album here:

    You can basically make any colored team you want with these cards! I have a couple sample colored teams shown below. I have fully upgraded many cards, so you can get going as soon as you receive the account.

    I will be collecting resources while I wait for someone to buy, so if you purchase, there will most likely be way more gold/crystals/ST than shown.

    If you have any questions about particular resources/stats/skins/cards, msg me.

    I will ask you to prove that you are a real person through either Instagram., Facebook., discord, or anything else I deem fit!!
    I will also ask that you pay half of the asking price first before sending the account (deposit and security). If you change your mind before you receive the actual account, I can always send it back. You can connect to the account with the bigball password that I provide.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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