Sold Global Mlb 2P Mlb Akeha LB1 2b and all collab units 25 4 weapons 25

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Matouchou, 8/26/21.

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  1. Matouchou

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    Hello i am selling this player level 30 account with some story left with max limit break 2P and Akeha, LB1 2b, and with A2, 9S
    Automata event almost farmed and the 2 other events done but not farmed.
    You Can see pictures below.
    Dummy square enix bridge.
    You Can Ask me questions here or discord : CrimsonKing#3211
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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