Sold [Global] lvl 105 Endgame - TP450k - CB focused

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GenshinWaifu, 8/9/21.

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  1. GenshinWaifu

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    5 Stars:
    Karyl, Summer Karyl, Lima, Mitsuki, Shizuru, Tamaki, Kuka, Shiori
    Yukari, Akari, Ninon, Nozomi, Saren, Eriko, Rin, Mimi
    Kaori, Suzuna, Maho, Miyako, Akari, Hiyori, Kokkoro(150 shards ready)

    4 Stars:
    Makoto (As soon as CB rewards arrive she will be 5 stars)
    Pecorine (-10 shards to 5 stars)
    Monika (-10 shards to 5 stars)
    Jun (80+ shards ready, as soon as event arrive she can be 5 stars)
    Hatsuna (-10 shards to 5 stars)
    Rei (-10 shards to 5 stars)
    Summer Kokkoro EX...

    [Global] lvl 105 Endgame - TP450k - CB focused
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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